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<욕해(欲海)> (Yockhae) 
Team project
- Kim, Jung Soo
- Kim Miryu
- Kim Nayeon
Projection mapping on Mask sculpture, 25.5 x 25.5 x 35 inch (sculpture) and video (02:08), 2020, Seoul, South Korea

<욕해(欲海)> (Yockhae) means "a sea of affection and greed," reflecting our attitude toward nature.
This work invades residential elements among the most essential 'clothing, food, and shelter' for our lives. Given that the height of the sea level rising

due to environmental pollution and the droplets flowing down are made from 'mask' the objects closest to us these days, we say that the problem we have to face is caused by everyday objects, not great actions in great places. In the end, we visualize the phenomenon that small acts that harm nature under the pretext of "for the sake of human" bring the greatest ordeal to our humans above all else.
This work was conducted in the form of a project, and projection mapped using a V4 on a mask sculpture.